Wednesday 24 March 2010

good times in london. photo shoot at a wee vinyl cutting company in east london. drop into fave record store, rough trade and a mooch around spitals. cannay complain.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

i am processing ideas for latest Poetics of Space project and here are a couple of grid test shots. I am studying the domestic space and observing it in different ways focusing on domestic activities and changing spaces.

Sunday 21 February 2010

Really captured a moment here. Charlie is being told off for taking a stool from a different room. Apparently they don't match the decor. This rendered the Lost Society bar at the top of my 'must not do' london list. Still, made for a few good snaps.

Monday 15 February 2010

i am with 5d.
ba flight. monocle.article on danish producer. g&t. good transit times

Sunday 31 January 2010

here are the shots from my first analogue project. photographed, processed and printed.
It's called 30.
I took photo's of 4 friends/family and 4 strangers. Put text with 6 of them (letroset) and mounted their lovely faces onto foam and mountboard with a first attempt at window framing.
The question was: Tell me about being 30. How does it compare with what your parents were doing when they were your age.
3 cheers for the darkroom